The Easter Bunny came to cake hour as he usually does bringing all the Easter goodies that we love to get. In addition to a couple of chocolate bunnies there were the requisite Peeps, Cadbury Mini Eggs (aka the best Easter candy there is), Robin's Eggs (second best), mini Robin's Eggs, Nestle's Crunch Eggs, Dove Milk Chocolate Eggs, Dove Coconut Creme Eggs, and of course Jelly Beans. As usual the selection was quite comprehensive and the Easter spirit was in full swing. (Is there such thin as an Easter spirit.)
The Easter Bunny done good again! |
Peeps for sure! |
Some in fashionable packaging! |
Lots of the classic candies too! |
Quite a haul! |
Solid chocolate rabbits! |
Robin's Eggs, Chocolate Eggs, Jelly Beans...the Works! |
Time to dig in! |
The Peeps were a little lonely. They missed their favorite researcher who is now a PhD and had relocated back to her native New York City. They has no one else to freak out but fortunately there were plenty of Peeps fans left so they didn't get left behind.
Looking for a friend! |
The Easter Bunny brought something unusual and quite special actually. It was a box of hand crafted chocolates. The chocolatier is Garrison's and they really were quite well presented and very chic looking - somewhat reminiscent of Richart chocolates from Paris, France. The flavors were also quite creative and interesting and included names like Blueberry Yogurt, Caramelia, 49% Milk, Mango Kombucha and Hazelnut Macchiato among others. Check out the picture of the road map for the box and see the rest of the names. These were indeed special, tasted very good and the flavors met up to the description. The box only had twelve because being handcrafted they were not exactly inexpensive. One would naturally assume that such fine and delicate truffles had to come from Brussels, Germany, Paris or Switzerland which are all known for their chocolates. But in this case that would be a false assumption because these came from none other than Rhode Island's fiscal basket case Central Falls. They have a factory and a store which is generally open around special holidays like Christmas of in this case Easter. The website is and they have an online store that they use for most of their business. Who knew they were hiding there amid the likes of the City that fired all its teachers. Not all is hopeless in Central Falls.
A box of chocolate's from Garrison's confections! |
Packaged like the best of them! |
The soon to be famous logo! |
The road map for the box of 12... |
...and this is what they looked like! |
Nicely decorated! |
All decorated by hand! |
One of Garrison's Easter specialties included - get this - chocolate dipped Peeps -!
These are the usual neon colored treats with a new twist on the old classic as they describe. Peeps hand-dipped in luscious Dark chocolate with a light dusting of cookie crumbles and chocolate sprinkles, tied in a cello bag with colorful ribbon.These were kind of fun and largely still tasted like Peeps with a little chocolate finish.
These guys are not your normal Peeps! |
Looks like it's been hanging out in the mud! |
It's been rolling in chocolate and cookie crust! |
Chocolate covered Peeps are swell! |
A cut above the rest! |
The conversation turned to cars and how someone had gone to a very well known brand name repair shop got an estimate for work then wen to a local place and got the same work done for a quarter of the price. Apparently this seems to be a common theme in the experiences of several. One person was especially annoyed because the repairman he consulted was from the same country as him and our colleague expected a little solidarity. We also talked about the frustration of not being able to get a price quote over the Internet for a new or leased car. Despite the response to something that said get an e-quote despite a batch of emails asking for a lease price no quote was ever given. They wanted you to come to the dealership and had an answer for every excuse given as to why your couldn't make it there. Also mentioned was the opposite case where the car salesman discouraged the person from buying a car. He was asked about an advertised offer and responded "where did you see that?" It was on the dealer's website and the response was "they put these things there and we find out about it later." So he checked out the offer and said it would be a basic model but the price would also depend on whether there was a trade in or previous lease experience. He was told those would not apply because the inquirer had not owned a car since 1996 to which said SALESMAN replied "Why would you want to change that?" Refreshingly honest, don't you think?
It's Pepsi Hour! One day I will make up my mind! |
For our sourpuss - just kidding - I mean the guy that doesn't like sweets it is no longer lemonade hour. It is now Pepsi hour judging by the one month plus supply that he brought in!
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