Friday, April 23, 2010

Torta Della Nonna

Grandmother's Cake - a classic Tuscan Dessert!  We love it when our Italiana gets the itch to bake something. She has already spoiled us with her Tira Misu and yesterday she decided to make her first Torta in the United States for cake hour. We were honored. Too bad she and a few others had to go to seminar. The cake is not too sweet and has a filling of lemon flavored pastry cream. The top is sprinkled with pine nuts. Indeed a classic dish and molto delicioso!!

Recent items in the news regarding cancer testing were discussed. Unlike some people reported on we concluded we would not want our entire medical history in the papers. The topic of poop coffee also came up  which was fortuitous given the recent article about it. Follow the link:

Being the sophisticates that we are - especially when it comes to cake and coffee, we are not at all shy to report that we have already tried the unique beverage. It does make a good cup of java!

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